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Cinematic Spectacular, Theater Akzent, Wien
A Student Gala Concert Celebrating Iconic Movie Music

Cinematic Spectacular

Cinematic Spectacular, Theater Akzent, Wien

Spielstätte und Infos

Spielstätte: Theater Akzent,
Theresianumgasse 18, 1040 Wien

Kategorie: Film

Mit: Students of the AMADEUS International School Vienna

Cinematic Spectacular, Theater Akzent, Theresianumgasse 18, 1040 Wien


AMADEUS Gala is a cherished annual tradition that highlights the incredible talent and diversity within our school community. 
This year's theme, 'Cinematic Spectacular,' offers a unique opportunity for our students to present their skills while paying homage to the rich tapestry of cinematic music that has inspired generations.

This event is a testament to the creativity, dedication, and passion of AMADEUS student performers.
It promises to be an evening that unites our community in celebration of the arts and showcases the vibrant talents of our students.

Spielstätte und Infos

Spielstätte: Theater Akzent,
Theresianumgasse 18, 1040 Wien

Kategorie: Film

Mit: Students of the AMADEUS International School Vienna

Cinematic Spectacular, Theater Akzent, Theresianumgasse 18, 1040 Wien


AMADEUS Gala is a cherished annual tradition that highlights the incredible talent and diversity within our school community. 
This year's theme, 'Cinematic Spectacular,' offers a unique opportunity for our students to present their skills while paying homage to the rich tapestry of cinematic music that has inspired generations.

This event is a testament to the creativity, dedication, and passion of AMADEUS student performers.
It promises to be an evening that unites our community in celebration of the arts and showcases the vibrant talents of our students.

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